As a private, not-for-profit organization, Allegro Orchestra Lancaster seeks support from individuals, groups, and companies who love music and their community.
Thank you for considering a gift to Allegro Orchestra Lancaster. Your generosity ensures we meet our financial goals and continue to create joyful music for our local community.
How to Give
To donate online, use the donation form on this page or visit our secure donation platform on Mightycause. Please note that the Mightycause donation screen will give you the option of paying their fee on our behalf if you so choose. That will ensure that your intended donation will reach us in its entirety.
If you would prefer to donate by mail, please make your check payable to Allegro: The Chamber Orchestra of Lancaster and mail to: P.O. Box 1741, Lancaster, PA 17608.
Contributions in support of Allegro can also be made through the Lancaster County Community Foundation's Extraordinary Give.
Allegro Orchestra Lancaster is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. A donation summary is mailed at the end of each year to assist you with your record keeping and with filing your income tax return.
Affordable ticket prices are important to us.
An average ticket price to our concert is just $35! Our mission is to make classical music accessible, and keeping ticket prices low is just one of the many ways we do that. Artistic salaries and facility rentals are expensive though, so we fundraise to offset our costs, keep our budget balanced, and our financials healthy.
Our dedicated Board members and concert volunteers bring Allegro to life. From selecting the repertoire and seasons dates, to hiring and rehearsing the music, we have an incredible team of supporters who donate their time and talents to Allegro.
You Can Help
Join our great team of volunteers that help make each event go off without a hitch – the concert corps! Job duties include event setup, greeting and directing guests, taking tickets, distributing programs, teardown, and more.
Volunteers are always welcome to stay and enjoy the concert free of charge.
If you’re interested volunteering with Allegro, please contact us.
Interested in joining our board? We're currently looking for new members. Contact us!
Thank you!